Personal History

My name is John Fichtner, and I am the Senior Pastor of all six congregations at Liberty Church. My wife, Beth, and I grew up here in Marietta, GA. I graduated from Wheeler High School in 1975, and my wife graduated from Walton High School in 1981. After college (Bachelors in Biblical Studies & Masters in Theology), I served as an Assistant Pastor in Birmingham, AL for five years before we came back home to pioneer Liberty Church in 1986. The Lord made it clear to us that we would pastor this church for the rest of our lives. It is exciting to us to have such deep roots and lifelong friendships.

The Beginning of Liberty Church - 1986

We began our non-denominational, Bible-based church by renting The Strand Theater on Marietta Square. During those first few years, we grew slowly until we had reached approximately 180 people after seven years. We loved the friendships, laughter, family-feel and caring that was in our small church. Many of those original people are still with us today.

Purchasing Property - 1993

In 1993, we purchased the old "Wicks Lumber" property on Highway 41 just north of Bells Ferry Road. The story of how we were able to purchase this property is a miracle in itself. We have steadily renovated and added to the facility over the years. In 2004, we were able to purchase two more acres adjacent to our property to give us a total of 7.5 acres. With the additional acreage, we were able to build Liberty Park. Having a park on our property allows each congregation to have picnics, fellowships, outdoor movie showings, etc. We love the family atmosphere of our church!

Time of Decision - Late 1990's

During the 1990's, our church began to grow more quickly, and we reached a critical point of identity. At that time, we had to choose between a "big church" or "small church" feel. Instead of putting money into larger buildings and possibly losing the relaxed and friendly culture of Liberty, we chose to keep the "small church" feel and simply start new services at the same location.

Who are the Co-Pastors?

The Co-Pastors are my best friends. Like me, they feel called to Liberty Church for the rest of their lives. Together, all of the Co-Pastors make up the governing board of Liberty Church. Each Co-Pastor serves their individual congregation/service.

Each congregation ranges from 200 – 400 people.  Our four congregations times are:
  • Sunday 8am
  • Sunday 10am
  • Sunday Noon
  • Sunday 6pm
Each service of Liberty Church has:

  • Its own membership process
  • Its own sports Teams
  • Its own church picnics
  • Its own mission trips  & evangelical outreaches
  • Its own small groups
  • Its own administration
  • Its own Co-Pastors & Elders

What ministries are shared by all four services?

  • The Building & Park
  • The Senior Pastor
  • The Youth & Young Adult Ministry
  • The Ladies Bible Studies
  • Inner Healing & Personal Counseling Ministries
  • Financial Counseling & Benevolence Ministry
  • Career Counseling Ministry
  • The Worship Team
  • Multi-Cultural Vision
  • Central Administration
  • The Worship Team